Rough-skinned Newt

photo by J. Maughn CC BY-NC

Unlike other Salamanders, Rough-skinned Newts have dry, bumpy skin. They grow up to 8 in long and have a brown head and back and a bright yellow or orange belly.

Rough-skinned Newts can be found along the Pacific coast from Alaska to central California with small populations in Idaho and Montana. They live in forested areas near ponds and lakes where the larvae and young often hide in the muddy bottom. Some Rough-skinned Newts live in water year round or during the summer and can be seen swimming near the surface.

Unlike most amphibians that lay clumps of eggs, Rough-skinned Newts attach single eggs to the stems of vegetation scattered throughout their breeding area.

Did you know? The Rough-skinned Newt's eggs and skin are highly poisonous, and they are avoided by most predators apart from Garter Snakes that are unaffected by the poison. When threatened, Newts lift their head and tail to display their brightly-colored belly.

See Also: Long-toed Salamander, Short-horned Lizard, Tiger Salamander, Western Skink