Bur Oak

photo by Mary PK Burns CC BY-NC

Bur Oaks can be found farther north than any other American oak. They have a straight trunk and are often as wide as they are tall. Bur Oaks grow in the open, away from dense forest. They can grow up to 100 ft tall; however, northern and eastern trees are shorter and shrubbier than those in southern regions.

The leaves are 6-12 in long with deep, irregular lobes. They turn yellow-green or yellow-brown in fall and may stay on the tree into the winter. The large acorns have cups with a fringed border and provide food for many mammals and birds including White-tailed Deer, Squirrels, Ducks, and various species of Rodents.

Did you know? Bur Oaks can resist forest fires thanks to their very thick bark. They can also tolerate drought as they have very deep roots.

See Also: Garry Oak