Tufted Fleabane

photo by Andrey Zharkikh CC BY

Tufted Fleabanes are short plants (up to 12 in) with many hairy stems and white to light-purple flowers. They often form large clumps and grow best in dry, grassy areas. They can be found in western Canada and the United States and flower from May to June.

Numerous narrow petals surround a flat yellow center with 1-3 flowers per stem. Long, narrow leaves are clustered at the base of the plants.

Could it be? Philadelphia Fleabanes are similar but have a tall, single stem and clusters of small flowers. Fleabanes flower earlier than Asters and have more petals. Daisy petals are notched.

Did you know? Tufted Fleabanes' roots contain a turpentine-like oil that protects the plant from disease and grazing animals.

See Also: Aster, Black-eyed Susan, Gaillardia, Philadelphia Fleabane, Prairie Coneflower, Prairie Sunflower