Black-eyed Susan

photo by Andrew McKinlay CC BY-NC

Black-eyed Susans have large (up to 3 in across) flowers with 10-20 yellow petals around a flat, dark brown centre. They have hairy leaves and stems (10-30 in). Native to the western plains, they have spread and are now common throughout North America. You'll find them flowering all summer long in open, sunny locations.

Could it be? Gaillardias are similar to Black-eyed Susans, but their petals are bicolored (yellow and pinkish-orange) around a reddish-brown central disc and each petal is notched and divided into 3 prongs. Gloriosa Daisies, garden flowers, are related to Black-eyed Susans but have larger orange, red, or bicolor flowers.

Did you know? Butterflies, bees, and other pollinators are attracted to the flowers and birds enjoy the seed heads in winter.

See Also: Aster, Gaillardia, Philadelphia Fleabane, Prairie Coneflower, Prairie Sunflower, Tufted Fleabane