
photo by Andrew McKinlay CC BY-NC

Blanket Flower

Gaillardias are medium-sized plants (2-4 ft) with multiple individual flower stalks. Yellow, orange-red, or bi-colored ray florets surround the reddish-brown central discs (1.5-3 in across). Each ray floret has 3 lobes or prongs. Long leaves are arranged alternately along the hairy stems.

Gaillardias are found in dry, sunny spots (such as roadsides) throughout western Canada, central and northwestern United States. They flower from May to September. Related varieties of Gaillardia are found throughout North America.

Could it be? Black-eyed Susans have similar flowers, but they are yellow and the ray florets aren't divided into 3 prongs.

Did you know? Butterflies, bees, and beetles are attracted to the flowers for food, rest, and shelter. Goldfinches enjoy the seeds.

See Also: Aster, Black-eyed Susan, Philadelphia Fleabane, Prairie Coneflower, Prairie Sunflower, Tufted Fleabane