Three-flowered Avens

photo by Andrew McKinlay CC BY NC

Prairie Smoke, Old Man's Whiskers

Three-flowered Avens are small hairy plants (4-16 in) with 3 nodding, reddish-pink, bell-like flowers on long stalks. Fern-like dark green leaves grow from the base of the plants.

Three-flowered Avens often grow in large patches. They can be found on the prairies and sagebrush plains of western North America and flower from May to June.

The purple-gray seed heads are composed of long (1.5 in) feathery strands and looks like feather dusters - hence the plants' alternate names of Prairie Smoke and Old Man's Whiskers.

Did you know? Three-flowered Avens are an important source of food for insects coming out of hibernation as they flower in early spring.